Alongside, (and complimentary to) the production of root crops, we are growing spring oats and spring barley. The oats are destined for milling (cereal bars) and the barley is destined for malting (lager production), with a good proportion going for export.
The spring cropping of these crops is an essential part of our rotation. We drill using all of our own seed, with the surplus being sold on the open market.
Our new grain store has now been completed. This will provide us with an increased storage capacity of around 25%. This means that all our grain can be dried within 24-hours of harvest. This extra space will also provide us with spare capacity for drying and storage in difficult seasons.
2023 saw a significant increase in area from 350 hectares to 500 hectares, as more land was put through the conversion process.
The whole farm is now covered by the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme. This means that we are no longer grow and harvest legumes. We allow a 1-2 year fallow mix to mature naturally within our rotation. This delivers many benefits to the farm.